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At the Good Shepherd, God has blessed our church to address the needs of the entire family through the various ministry. The purpose of these ministries is to equip, train, teach, encourage, inspire, and challenge the members to be effective, Bible-believing Christians who will affect the world in which we live. These ministries are also designed to supplement our pastor's vision that God has given him for the church. Our prayer is that you will take full advantage of the host of ministries available to you and you will become actively involved in your church to put your talents and gifts to work for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Aide Ministry

At Good Shepherd, we believe that the labourer is worthy of double honor. So we strive to honor our leader, with not only monetary gifts, but with our prayers and support.

Music & Fine Arts Ministry

The goal of the Music & Fine Arts ministry at Good Shepherd is to set the atmosphere for the word to be brought forth. We believe that music is a integral part of our service, we strive for a standard of excellence.

College Ministry

With Good Shepherd being located in a university town, we are home to a few college students. This ministry serves as a support group for our college students. Keeping your faith in Jesus is essential to surviving on your college journey.

Women's Ministry

The Women's ministry at Good Shepherd is beloved ministry that provides support and enrichment to woman of all ages. We have numerous events throughout the year to strength and encourage our fellow sisters in Christ.

Youth Ministry

The goal of the youth ministry is to equip our youth with the vital spiritual tools needed to live a Godly life. We know that with all our young people face, the church must be a place of refuge and strength. We here at Good Shepherd strive to be that place for our young people.

The goal of this ministry is to be a beacon of light in the community. We believe that it is our duty as a believer to extend our christian work into our communities. We believe in order for us to grow, we must reach people where they are.

Outreach/Evangelism Ministry
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